Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Active Readers and Other Oxymorons

Active readers.  That may sound like an oxymoron to some. You know, like "jumbo shrimp", "pretty ugly", or -- if you know my Filipino family -- "Filipino vegetarian" (you gotta know my family to really appreciate that one).

Active would most certainly imply the exertion of some sort of energy. Readers bring to mind those in a sedentary state -- pensive, but motionless. Take a look at this group of children:

They are all reading. Every. Single. One. Better yet: they are all actively involved in their reading. They read eagerly, discuss the events in their books, and share with each other their enthusiasm for what they've read.

I LOVE that my class -- my wonderful full-inclusion mix of a class with autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, and typical kids growing all together --has learned to love reading in whatever manner they can. Some read through pictures, others retell stories we've read together, others practical inhale the books they read.  They didn't all start out this way. To be honest, many of the kids in my class were reluctant readers. Oh, I still have a few of them, but they have ALL learned to find a book or magazine in my class that they enjoy. And I'm ok with that. I feel like I've planted a seed, and it has started to grow before I expected it. I'm so excited!

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